Biography :
Pralaya formed mid-November 2008 in Jimbaran. Take the genre slamming inception Formation, Early, Man (Vox) .. Della (Guitar) .. Lelong (Guitar) .. Eka (bass) .. De Mang (Drumm) .. after walking a few months, Lelong resigned because there was bustle .. Finally pralaya Band Formation consists of four people, until now .. Pralaya with the characteristics of Slamming Gore Groove permainanya ie, where the lyrics or themes tells of Social, Natural, sexual violence, who refers to political life.
Band Members :
* Man - Vocals
* Della - Guitar
* Eka - Bass
* Mang De - Drums
Influences :
* Abominable Putridity
* Waking The Cadaver
* Devourment
* Condemned
* Chepalotripsy
* Begging For Incest
* Kraanium
* Soil Of Fate
* Cannibal Corpse
* Dying Fetus
( Biography , Free Download , MP3 , Album , Pralaya , Profile , Lirik , Lyrics , Dawam Aldi Saputra )
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Saturday, July 31, 2010
Biography :
Grindcore, often shortened to grind, is an extreme music genre that emerged during the mid–1980s. It draws inspiration from some of the most abrasive music genres – including death metal, industrial music, noise and the more extreme varieties of hardcore punk.
Grindcore is characterized by heavily distorted, down-tuned guitars, high speed tempo, blast beats, and vocals which consist of growls and high-pitched screams. Early groups are accredited for laying the groundwork for the style. Lyrical themes range from a primary focus on social and political concerns, to gorey subject matter and black humor.
A variety of "microgenres" have subsequently emerged, often used to label bands according to a few alternative traits that deviate from standard grindcore, including deathgrind/goregrind, focused on horror themes, and pornogrind, fixated on pornographic lyrical themes. Other offshoots include noisegrind (especially raw and chaotic) and electrogrind (incorporating electronic elements). Although an influential phenomenon on hardcore punk and other popular genres, grindcore itself remains an underground form of music.
FREEWILL since November, 2003 tried to played grindcore, although as a beginner grindcore on Bali - Indonesia but will fighting and competing until the last blood. The characteristic of songs is the "microsong", lasting only a few seconds or minutes. The vocal style is "ranging from high-pitched shrieks to low, throat-shredding growls and barks. In some cases, lyrics may not even exist. The lyrical themes, often take from social, politic, nature, environment, and a primary focus that happened on this earth.
Band Members :
*Odon Ratten - Vocalist
*Tu Edy Attack - Guitarist
*Mr. Dogler - Guitarist
*Tugunx Duke - Bassist
*Yoga - Drummers
Influences :
*Napalm Death
*Rotten Sound
*Suicide Silence
*Brutal Truth
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Biography :
AJAL started his career in the mid-year 2007, where in the underground bands METAL kususnya Tabanan experiencing a dead faint and sore throat symptoms of chronic diseases in their natural metal bands vocalist Tabanan. Formation process begun by the band at the height of frustration over a idialisme existence of the so-called underground music. Once lovenya against underground world and took back exsiskan metal gigs in Tabanan, the two people who say leadernya bias in this band, start forming cells and personnel that would bias prekrutan cooperative form a band. Two people are ex-abortion LIONK operate as a Vocal and Vienna from the mines which positioned on Guitar. They finally found the humans who are considered one heart and rhythm in the world that they love, namely: BENDRET who ended up believing to tear the bass, and ex-abortion DEGIT that will go down the mountain back to destroy durum / percussi. With the agreements and considerations together, eventually dying born ... .!!!. In the course of this band, they started with a not so easy back your hand. Many obstacles they face, ranging from a training tool that is rarely if at Tabanan studios who want to lease the equipment they used for this type of practice underground music .. if there are many rules that must be obeyed, mesalnya dobelpedal may not use, excessive use of guitar effects, except that has been provided in the setudio itself. Regulations that are too naive and do not need to be copied by other studios .... FUCK OFF ... With the press and semangt four of five dying little by little began to show their idialisme in working together with other underground bands, although iti local gigs-gigs ... .. Oloh inspired bands like Vile crazy, DIGESTED Flesh, Lust OF Decay, ABASMAL Torment, DISGORGE, DEVOURMENT, remains .... Doom mentasbihkan themselves as brutal death metal band with a concept INDONESIAN HYPERTENSICK GUTTURAL ... fuckin with the concept, penyayatan ear drum destruction process was presented and prepared in spit ... ... .. VIOLENCE IN Raga colonized, mutilation BRAIN, Pentagram DIJIWA .. Part of the vomit was a demo track that is ready to drag the Headbanger into a world full of noise, screams, anger, and life satisfaction as satisfied if the hormone, we sprayed on the sidelines of the vaginal cavity ... .. fuck
Band Members :
*Lionk Remator - Vocalist
*Winmurder - Guitarist
*Bendretopsy - Bassist
*Degitrasher - Drummers
Influences :
Not Found
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Biography :
REZUME formed in January 2008. And members Memet (vocals), Kadir (guitar), goestra (bass), and bona (drums). Originally homage Slam Death Metal with a rendition of Cannibal Corpse, CRYTOPSI, KATAKLYSM, INTERNAL bleeding, and more. Rezume mid-year increase of personnel at the Adit guitar for Eternal Madness and also on the drum from bona replaced by the formation of this second Bir.Dengan ie Memet (vocals), Kadir (guitar), Adit EM (Guitar) goestra (bass), and Beer ( drums), Rezume began testing the underground events in Java and in 2009 precisely Bali.Tahun june rezume personnel the opportunity to collaborate with the American Band Slamming Mario Pena CONDEMNED FMK7 USA for Jamming in Kuta Bali in Peanut Bar. The following month in July precisely rezume released promo cd contains 3 songs for music lovers such brutal Death metal slaming: INTERNAL BUTHCERED ORGAS, vaginal IMPALEMENT, AND SEXUAL MASOCHISME. Song - song in the promo are told about the deviation of sexually transmitted diseases, murder, torture and mutilation carried out by someone because of dissatisfaction from various versions, promo cd can be obtained free of charge. In the promo of this cd is very strong aroma of brutal slamming visible, from the cord-cord guitars, drums to vocals.
Band Members :
*Memet - Vocalist
*Kadir Pornoman - Guitarist
*Adit Madness - Guitarist
*Gustra - Bassist
*Beer - Drummers
Influences :
Not Found
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Friday, July 30, 2010
Balikpapan Metal Fest
proudly presents
AGUSTUS 01.2010
10:00AM - TILL DIE
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Born By Mistakes
Biography :
Born because of "mistakes" on this earth must have been shunned by his people, but if you were born because of errors associated with the name of a metal band would be very welcomed enthusiastically by the people within the metal scene. Ho.oh ... .. "Born By Mistake" is the name of a metal band that was born in RSSM (Hospital Scene Metal) Bali in 2000 from the womb of the early formation namely: Derry (vocals), Didot (guitar), Freddy (bass), and Gus Rai (drum ). Beginning of band formation which is often abbreviated as "fuel" it had gone a few months, before finally vacuum a few years because of the personnel so busy early formation did not last long
Embarrassed by this condition, then Didot, the dedengkot reliable metal guitarist who ate acid including rusty metal salt dijagat been strengthened, especially when this band Eternal Madness, determined to "give birth" Born By Mistake again, though with drops of blood because it must wait for three years to realize, yes this is all because of its strong intention to rebuild a quality metal band that is able to channel his inner energy that struck the metal over the years.
and one point from the beginning of regular get-togethers with colleagues who share a relatively high energy metal, began to discuss the issue of music, until finally has the same musical vision and mission of the metal until it agrees to carry the fuel and raise the flag again, then in month March 2003, fuel re-born again with the personnel: Didot (guitar), NMC (bass), Cox (vocals), C-Matz (drums). Arrghhh ... .. but unloading plug formation, the band re-coloring the way Until at last, agreed fuel use percussion instruments filled out by Rega, but had abandoned the bassist, KMP, because of some things, so decided to resign from the fuel. To fill that void, so for the time being, R-GA (Percussion), designated as a bassist to replace the position of the KMP Until finally today, still exist and solid fuel with 5 personnel, namely: Didot (guitar), Cox (vocals), Rega (bass), C-Matz (drums), and Deva (keyboardist / sampling) and survived until now ... . .. Phew ... finally.
A wide variety of influence possessed the personnel of each, making the colors of music they play refrensi increasingly rich and diverse but remain on the metal track, with the musical structure of a fierce blast from the drum beats, guitar and bass technical whisk the sangar and howling vocals paraunya and sometimes framed by the sweet harmony soud keyboard / sampling until no one if they menganalogikan experimental music on line with menggusung liryc death metal-themed song liryc social humanity. Trying to lift a reality of light and dark sides of human life and its wheels in the world. Anger and emotions are still dominant in the lyrics.
And fuel hope to present a new breakthrough in the metal scene in Bali, so that the fuel will be accepted by the scenes of this earth metal universe.
Discography From the beginning up until now, been mimiliki fuel fed a whole album title: Nu Born, the debut album was released together with launchingnya on August 10, 2006 and then in the Wood Fire Club, the Kuta Galeria. This album contains 10 songs, lyrics which uses two languages: Indonesian and English. DQ recording process carried out in the studio, which handled directly by the fuel and Dicky and assisted by the Court. Petrol is also involved in several compilation albums, namely: Grindcorner Compilation: Grind At The Corner (Paranoid) 2005: Track-trendsetter compilation Skipped (Acrimonious Hate) in 2006. Mavericks Moshpit Compilation (Impurity) in 2007, and the latest Indie Battle Compilation (Sympossium 666) in 2008. Petrol is also producing a video clip which is also involved in the compilation trendsetter Videos Us, (6) years ago in 2006
Band Members :
*Cox - Vocalist
*Didot - Guitarist
*Zurya - Guitarist
*R-Ga - Bassist
*Deva - Samplers
*C-Matz - Drumers
Influences :
Not Found
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Error Scream
Biography :
..Error Scream is a band dedicated themselves to the sound of Grindcore. Four different souls trying to collaborate their four energetic minds and pour all their energies into music. Grindcore. Those four souls are Wahyu, the one who tirelessly using the microphone to scream out the raucous rhyme from his throat to the world. Sounds of six string guitar that can blow your ears away is played by Boy. An unmistakably thundering sounds of bass coming out from Krishna ’s fingers, completed the powerful and error sounds of drums played by indefatigable Tony. March 15, 2008 is the day we will always remember as we raise our flag and scream out to the world...
Band Members :
*Wahyu - Vocalist
*Boy - Guitarist
*Krsna - Bassist
*Tonny - Drummers
Influences :
*Rotten Sound
*Napalm Death
*Dying Fetus
Discography :
*Indie Battle Compilation 2008
*Green Monster Compilation 2009
*Metal Blast Compilation 2009
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Bersimbah Darah
Biography :
ERSIMBAH DARAH was born on JUNI, 27 2007 on Gianyar Bali (City of of Fuck Up).Bersimbah Darah genre is GRINDCORE Full Anger, speed and Brutality!!! Influence by Napalm Death, Terrorizer, Brutal Truth, Extreme Noise Terror, Nasum, , Rotten Sound, and more.... ! our lyric is Social and Reality of Life.
BERSIMBAH DARAH are : ASSWIN-VOCALS ,RICO GUITARS/2NDVOX - BUEZ-BASS ,ARTHA-DRUMS Dischography of Bersimbah Darah : demo rehearsal . Vision and Mission : "Keep Underground scene stay unity and Brutal....and we need Destroy your fuckin Ear till Bleeding with Our Fuckin sounds!!" we Just a small band with a big spirit..and we hope our music can make you all HEADBANG till Death!!!!!.
Interest to : Friendship, Music, Gigs, History and social books, action Film, XXX Movies, SexyhotBabes and cigarette. Please add me at need be your friend Bro's.
Band Members :
*Aswin - Vocalist
*Rico - Guitarist
*Buez - Bassist
*Artha - Drummers
Influences :
*Grind Hero
*Fast n Cheaps
Albums :
*EP 2007 Self Realesed
*Demography Berdarah 2007
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Biography :
Not Found
Band Members :
* Botax - Vocals
* Reo - Guitar
* Andhika - Bass
* Guzuma - Drums
Discography :
* Trojan - Metamorphosis As The Phenomenon
* Trojan - Green Monster Compilation

Biography :
This name we quoted from a book called "Life Style Ecstacy" which is the initial foundation of ideology Antipop. Formed in 2001 in the city of Denpasar and down for nearly two years at the end of the book in 2002. Having gone through a mental crisis in the year - previous year antipop active again in the middle of the year 2004 with a more solid formation plus the concept of different music from the era from 2001 to 2002 then.
new central music antipop duration of less than two minutes with a fast beating drums and sound envelopment gaungan rough and ferocious vocal with criticism tipikel identical lyrics on rebellion against the system and social order in a domestic scale to the largest scale and political policies and ideologies of a countries which became the theme in the genre antipop today, and some people call "ANTIPOP is grindcore."
December 2009, Agus decides to resign from antipop because of several factors, while the drummer position for several events filled by "JANTUK - SUPPURATE"
Band Members :
*Bebek - Vocalist
*Sorrow - Guitarist
*Kuzzuma - Guitarist
*Dody Yanca - Bassist
*Sabda Pradipta - Drummers
Inluences :
Not Found
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Triple Six
Biography :
Triple Six, a group of metal bands that come from the City of Bali, was founded in 1995 in Denpasar, which was originally founded by beings metal music fans joined in the container "BALI 19-21 DEATHRASHER CORPSEGRINDER". The idea initially began as a collector-collector named RADIO AM radio battered Yudha headquartered in intimate corner (where the clay mejeng girls pass) road Hayam Wuruk Denpasar. Then Jember, Wier and decks Bens agreed to form a group called TRIPLE SIX metal band which means that three of six digits. By holding two personnel to complete the formation TRIPLE SIX formations formed as follows: The deck Bens: Bass Wier: Vondalt Guitar: Guitar Dwi: Drums Jember: Live Vocal performances prime TRIPLE SIX is Sunday Hot Music '95. A fairly large event at that time, initiated by an event organizer CRAPT ENTERTAINMENT & sound equipment at that time famous. Furthermore, large and small events up to the row-row once in jajal by TRIPLE SIX with various ups and downs. Not long ago (in 1996) Unlimited (drums) to resign for any reason, then at that position in the contents of the drum by Gus Tut (Angle Head / Rotten Soul) with sessionis status. Because the study workload reason Jember (Vocal) is often absent in the venue, then the vocals while the contents of Bens double bass and decks for the next join Indra (ex. Debtor) to fill the vacant vocal position. This formation also did not last long because Wier (Guitar) TRIPLE SIX leave because of the difficulty orgasm, considering TRIPLE SIX other personnel were not able to satisfy his desire to climax. But open it to be impotent or infertile, actually proved the existence kemetalannya form the next group of bands together Jember Infrenal Desire. Even TRIPLE SIX already dying and on the verge of collapse because the two founders but left many sympathizers who want TRIPLE SIX fixed metal flying at the music, then join the two personnel at a time ie Budi (ex. L Nino) on drums and generous filling the position of lead guitar position. So TRIPLE SIX Formation were: Deck Bens: Bass generous: Lead Guitar Vondalt: Budi Guitar: Drums Indra: Vocal Budi did not last long because of the rush and then the position could be replaced Weny (ex Debtor) although did not get to perform in venues but a few songs had created at that time. Because Weny must change domicile outside of Bali, the position of the contents of the drum at Donny (Misty) with status sessionis but Vondalt (guitar) resigned when it was due to reasons ksibukan the study. But TRIPLE SIX never subside and continue to finalize a few songs and in early 1999 TRIPLE SIX successfully completed a debut album entitled insistent BUTHCHERY OF Massacre. Where to TRIPLE SIX complete the formation into the kitchen while recording digandenglah Paul guitar fills pisisi Vondalt replace. But this formation did not last long because Paul departed from TRIPLE SIX and slanjutnya formation that remains is: Deck Bens: Bass generous: Guitar Dony: Indra Drums: Vocal After a long time in this formation is to survive until it reaches a saturation point until TRIPLE SIX experienced a vacuum in addition to the event metal-event when it was contracted. We tried to evoke Grindcorner Bali metal bands with an idea Grindcorner Bali Bali Compilation, TRIPLE SIX also participated but Dony (drums) and generous (Guitar) hard resurrected from the long sleep. Finally TRIPLE SIX sessionist assisted by two people from a group of arteries which Infectous Budi (drums) and Layem (guitar) with the help of two personnel from the German Task (guitar) from a group of Dazed and Jan (backing vocals) from the Group completed a one song Bleed SINNERS Doctor in the new album, entitled Queen Compilation Grindcorner Bali. Noted several sessionist who had helped during vacuum TRIPLE SIX Budi and besides there are also Layem Donny (ex.Sajen-Jakarta), fill the drum position, Leong and Surya (ex. Demonstration Effects) to fill the position of the drums and guitar, Terio (Infernal Corpse) fill the drum position. Will determinedly continue to fly the flag TRIPLE SIX until dead then in 2007 at TRIPLE SIX relaunching with the merger of two ex personnel. Eternal Madness Gung ie Kock (drums) and D'thra (Guitar), so that the formation becomes TRIPLE SIX: The deck Bens: Bass's Indra: Vocal Deathra: Guitar Gung Kock: Drum merger of Gung Kock and D'thra bring new colors for the TRIPLE SIX, nuance somewhat different, more progressive and brutal. Some song material has been prepared for the second album TRIPLE SIX plan. But amid the trip Gung Kock could not proceed with the project TRIPLE SIX albums because they have to migrate to the LN for a living. Drum position while in substitute by Terio (Infernal Corpse). In the year 2009 upon his return from overseas projects Gung Kock continued this album again, but all previous songs unused material and replaced with a newer concept of the song again and feels more fitting with Origin terinfluence group makes TRIPLE SIX songs on this album are given later Search for "Feel What I Feel" accounted worthy. Without intending to become the band's most brutal music we also mengkonsep TRIPLE SIX frankly that this is the most delicious style we play given the proliferation of metal music today is increasingly growing and varied, we also do not want to fall asleep in ignorance and music rooted in the concept so -just like that. Because the busyness that can not be abandoned and the project plans to launch the second album was forced Indra (vocal) in the disabling of the last formations So TRIPLE TRIPLE SIX SIX are: Deathra: Guitar, Vocal Bens deck: Bass, Backing Vocal Gung Kock: Drums, Backing Vocal.
Band Members :
*Gung Kock - Guitarist and Vocalist
*Dek Bens - Bass and Backing Vocal
*Deathra - Lead Guitar
*Bayu - Drummers
Influences :
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Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Bullet For My Valentine - Fever Album
Fever is the third studio album by Welsh heavy metal band, Bullet for My Valentine. Containing eleven tracks, the album was released on April 26 and 27, 2010 in the UK and in the US, respectively. The band will be touring the US this spring to support their new album, starting on April 30, 2010; And also, they will be headlining the second stage at this year's Download Festival, which started in June 2010.The album sold 71,000 copies in the US and 21,965 in the UK in its first week of release to debut at position #3 on The Billboard 200 and #1 on Billboard's Rock and Alternative charts, making it the band's most successful record to date.
Free Download Bullet For My Valentine's ( Fever Album ) MP3 :
* Bullet For My Valentine - A Place Where You Belong
* Bullet For My Valentine - Alone
* Bullet For My Valentine - Begging For Mercy
* Bullet For My Valentine - Bittersweet Memories
* Bullet For My Valentine - Breaking Out, Breaking Down
* Bullet For My Valentine - Dignity
* Bullet For My Valentine - Fever
* Bullet For My Valentine - Pleasure And Pain
* Bullet For My Valentine - Pretty On The Outside
* Bullet For My Valentine - The Last Fight
* Bullet For My Valentine - Your Betrayal
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Death Couple
Biography :
Bandung,Indonesia 2006, DEATH COUPLE was brought together with the intention of forging obscenely death metal. Since the band's inception, they have received great acclaim for their 'Terhimpit Alat Vital' demo.As with many bands over the years, DEATH COUPLE weathered lineup changes and the ravages of time but pressed on in their dedication to forge new levels of death metal, heaviness and groove.DEATH COUPLE has set out to push forward beyond the conventional formula which seems to flood the genre these days. Composed of members of the original DEATH COUPLE. The end result is a precise and tightly woven fusion of death metal & guttural, groove-laden insanity. Stay Brutal!
Band Members :
Not Found
Influences :
*Disgorge U.s
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Biography :
Not Found
Band Members :
*Dewo - Bassist and Vocalist
*Iwa Sickza - Guitarist
*Jacky - Drummers
Influences :
*Cannibal Corpse
*Vital Remains
*Disharmonic Orchestra
*Morbid Angel
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Biography :
Not Found
Band Members :
*Hansen - Vocalist
*Ario - Guitarist
*Gee - Bassist
*Geo - Drummers
Influences :
*Cannibal Corpse
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Biography :
Not Found
Band Members :
*Ocky - Vocalist
*Nugroho - Guitarist
*Pratama - Guitarist
*Rasubala - Bassist
*Steve - Drummers
Influences :
*Tuhan YME
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Vomit Larynx
Biography :
Start In The End of 2006 At Bekasi Indonesia With Full Desire Of Hatred!!!
Band Members :
*Weldy - Guts
*Nano - Shredded
*Dika - Blast
Influences :
*My Fucking Hatred
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Biography :
Not Found
Band Members :
*Benny - Vocalist
*Rizky - Guitarist
*Robby - Bassist
*Roy - Drummers
Influences :
*Brutal Corpse
*Internal Bleeding
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Avenged Sevenfold - Avenged Sevenfold Album
Free Download Avenged Sevenfold's ( Avenged Sevenfold Album ) MP3 :
* Avenged Sevenfold - A Little Piece of Heaven
* Avenged Sevenfold - Afterlife
* Avenged Sevenfold - Almost Easy
* Avenged Sevenfold - Brompton Cocktail
* Avenged Sevenfold - Critical Acclaim
* Avenged Sevenfold - Dear God
* Avenged Sevenfold - Gunslinger
* Avenged Sevenfold - Lost
* Avenged Sevenfold - Scream
* Avenged Sevenfold - Unbound ( The Wild Ride )
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Avenged Sevenfold - City Of Evil Album
Free Download Avenged Sevenfold's ( City Of Evil Album ) MP3 :
* Avenged Sevenfold - Bat Country
* Avenged Sevenfold - Beast And The Harlot
* Avenged Sevenfold - Betrayed
* Avenged Sevenfold - Blinded In Chains
* Avenged Sevenfold - Burn It Down
* Avenged Sevenfold - M.I.A.
* Avenged Sevenfold - Seize The Day
* Avenged Sevenfold - Sidewinder
* Avenged Sevenfold - Strength of The World
* Avenged Sevenfold - The Wicked End
* Avenged Sevenfold - Trashed And Scattered
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Avenged Sevenfold - Sounding The Seventh Trumpet Album
Free Download Avenged Sevenfold's ( Sounding The Seventh Trumpet Album ) MP3 :
* Avenged Sevenfold - An Epic of Time Wasted
* Avenged Sevenfold - Art of Subconscious Illusion
* Avenged Sevenfold - Breaking Their Hold
* Avenged Sevenfold - Darkness Surrounding
* Avenged Sevenfold - Forgotten Faces
* Avenged Sevenfold - Lips of Deceit
* Avenged Sevenfold - Shattered By Broken Dreams
* Avenged Sevenfold - Streets
* Avenged Sevenfold - Thick And Thin
* Avenged Sevenfold - To End The Rapture
* Avenged Sevenfold - Turn The Other Way
* Avenged Sevenfold - Warmness On The Soul
* Avenged Sevenfold - We Come Out At Night
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Avenged Sevenfold - Waking The Fallen Album
Free Download Avenged Sevenfold's ( Waking The Fallen Album ) MP3 :
* Avenged Sevenfold - And All Things Will End
* Avenged Sevenfold - Chapter Four
* Avenged Sevenfold - Clairvoyant Disease
* Avenged Sevenfold - Desecrate Through Reverance
* Avenged Sevenfold - Eternal Rest
* Avenged Sevenfold - I Won't See You Tonight Part 1
* Avenged Sevenfold - I Won't See You Tonight Part 2
* Avenged Sevenfold - Radiant Eclipse
* Avenged Sevenfold - Remenissions
* Avenged Sevenfold - Second Heartbeat
* Avenged Sevenfold - Unholy Confessions
* Avenged Sevenfold - Waking The Fallen
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Avenged Sevenfold - Live In The LBC and The Diamonds Of The Rough Album
Free Download Avenged Sevenfold's ( Live In The LBC and The Diamonds Of The Rough Album ) MP3 :
* Avenged Sevenfold - Crossroads
* Avenged Sevenfold - Dancing Dead
* Avenged Sevenfold - Demons
* Avenged Sevenfold - Flash of The Blade
* Avenged Sevenfold - Girl I Know
* Avenged Sevenfold - Tension
* Avenged Sevenfold - The Fight
* Avenged Sevenfold - Until The End
* Avenged Sevenfold - Walk
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Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Biography :
Formed on August 18, 1992 in Jakarta, the nation's capital; TRAUMA has been proving themselves as one of the oldest Indonesian death metal leaders that still exists today. TRAUMA is recognized as a leading example of deep visualization of songwriting, wicked playing skill and a ground-breaking arrangement to death.
In 1997, TRAUMA's first demo “Incomplete Damnation” been released. Next in 1998, TRAUMA released a full length album “Extinction of Mankind” through a local indie label; MORBID NOISE RECORDS. One year later, this album then has been licensed exclusively by PSYCHIC SCREAM ENTERTAINMENT [a supported Malaysian label from PONY CANYON] that intended for market in Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. Furthermore in 2000, a Chicago, US' label; OWL RECORDS licensed this album for wider markets as well.
In the same year, PSYCHIC SCREAM ENTERTAINMENT released a split album of TRAUMA and UNVEILED [Malaysia] for worldwide market. In 2002, a local label; EXTREME SOUL PRODUCTION released a split album for TRAUMA and AGATHOCLES [a legendary Belgian mince core band] titled “Death Metal vs. Mince Core”. In the same year also, a Netherlands' label; MANGLED STEW RECORDS merging TRAUMA along with their local band; TUMOUR, in a split album titled “Death Metal vs. Gore Grind”. Subsequently, this Holland-based label then had released 4 ways split album that includes 4 bands: TRAUMA [Indonesia], PLANKTON, SANGUINARY and INTUMESCENE [the rests are from Netherlands].
This far, TRAUMA has been involved in more than 50 album compilation titles that have been released by labels in Indonesia and overseas, such as: France, US, Australia, Russia, Germany, Ukraine, Thailand, Mexico and many others. There's one of the biggest Indonesian underground compilation titled “Metalik Klinik”. TRAUMA appeared on Vol. 1 in 1997 and Vol.5 in 2003. This Rotorcorp/MUSICA's production is has been sold over than 100.000 albums.
Afterward, TRAUMA also had tagged along in a compilation titled “Panggilan Pulau Puaka” [Vol. II and III] under PSYCHIC SCREAM ENTERTAINMENT. It is said that this album was a most recognized in Malaysia in 2000-2001. PONY CANYON also involved TRAUMA in a compilation CD titled “METAL KLASIK Malaysia vs. Indonesia”.
Several TRAUMA's songs have been number 1 in some rock chart in local I-Radio that put TRAUMA's song; “Pelangi Hitam” [June, 2002] on the top. This position even hung on for 5 weeks. TRAUMA showed up on interview pages as well, such as fanzine, underground magazine around Indonesia and overseas even on more mainstream press.
TRAUMA's albums had given big positive responses from heaps of label/magazine in overseas, for instance: RELEAPSE [USA], BRUTALIZED [USA] even Max Cavalera [SEPULTURA/SOULFLY] also commented TRAUMA's songs in e-mail. TRAUMA always perform their best and try to be themselves without being a ‘follower' or ‘fake' from other great death metal bands in overseas that had given TRAUMA such great influences.
Finally on March 26, 2003, TRAUMA released their second full length album under KROSSOVER Records/MUSICA; titled “Paradigma: Demi Hidup Tak Perlu Harus Mati” with 11 songs in total. This album had been sold more than 10.000 units in the first 2 weeks. Video clip from this album, “Api dalam Otak” also often appeared on MTV Indonesia in 2003.
Next 4 months after, an indie label EDELWEISS Production released TRAUMA's autobiography book called “Dimensi Paradigma”. It was written by Nino Aspiranta, TRAUMA's vocalist, about the whole journey of TRAUMA from 1992 until 2003 completely.
Based on heaps of request, on December 2004, right after 6 years since “Extinction of Mankind” that had been released in 1998; VARIANT MUSIC INDONESIA [VMI] with distribution support from ALFA RECORDS decided to re-release this album, including 1 bonus unreleased track. With the brand new cover and look, TRAUMA's anthem ”Human Suffering” had a video clip done as well. Then this would be the third video clip after ”Penjara Dendam” [METALIK KLINIK II – 2002] and ”Api dalam Otak” [Paradigma, Demi Hidup Tak Perlu Harus Mati – 2003].
Lastly, with the current line-up: growl X scream: Nino Aspiranta [Nino], lead X rhythm guitar: Heilla Tanissan [Hella], bass: Rusdi Hamied [Rusdi] and drums: Ramadhani Utomo [Dhani]. TRAUMA now is having their third full length album released: DOMINASI KEMENANGAN out in November 2008 by ROXANA777 Records and distributed by RnB. This long-awaited album is now available in all of Indonesia's music stores. Dark Coleseum Records have our 3rd album Dominasi Kemenangan and special design T-shirts released as well. Make sure to order it! Exclusively for Malaysia, Singapore and around. Available now, get it now!!!
Band Members :
*Nino Aspiranta - Growl X Scream
*Hella Tanissan - Lead X Rhythm Guitar
*Rusdy Hamied -Bassist
*Ramadhani Utomo - Drummers
Albums :
*Extinction of Mankind [MORBID NOISE RELEASE] - 1998
*Extinction of Mankind [Malaysian Release by PSE] - 1999
*TRAUMA - UNVEILED [Malaysia] Split [PSE] - 2000
*TRAUMA - AGATHOCLES [Belgia] Death Metal vs. Mince Core [EXTREME SOULS PRODUCTION] - 2002
*Paradigma: Demi Hidup Tak Perlu Harus Mati [KROSSOVER/MUSICA] - 2003
*Extinction of Mankind [VMI RE-RELEASE] - 2004
Books :
*TRAUMA's Book [EDELWEISS Prod.] - 2003
Influences :
*In Flames
*Machine Head
*At The Gates
*Amon Amarth
*Cannibal Corpse
*Morbid Angel
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Monday, July 26, 2010
Sacred Flesh
Biography :
Sacred flesh was formed in Semarang on March 21st 2001. It was a band with grind core genre. The first formation was Antok, Didik, Iwan and Penny. Most of them used to be play in the different band. Antok was came from “Reinkarnasi”.He played guitar. Didik,the bassist was came from “Death Zombie”. Iwan who have skill in drum was came from “funeral. They ware looking for a vocal. So they found Penny who had a growl voice to make the band complete. After had the complete formation, they decide to find a special name for their band. Penny recommended the name “SACRED FLESH” to them. He inspired by the movie tittled sacred flesh. They thought that it was a powerful name for their band. They wanted their pure love in metal music really2 planted in their soul, flow on their bloods, be together with their flesh,their body. They begin to start their music career. SACRED FLESH was arise yet.................................... Influenced by “Cripple Bastard”, Disrupt” “Agathocles” and so on, they played metal especially in grind core. But, in the end of 2002, there was a conflict between them and made Antok, Didik and Iwan gone out from it. For almost six months it was vacuum. In April 7th 2003, Sacred flesh was rise again with new formation. There were Tonny from Anarxis Corpse as the guitarist, Ariya as the vocal and Penny as the drummer. They were back again in Semarang metal community. Once again, there was a problem in their band. Tonny the guitarist decided to vacuum from music activity because of his business. So, Sacred flesh had to found another person. Unexpectly they found Tonny whose the name is the same with the guitarist before him. Finally in the end of 2005 Sacred flesh found the solid person. It was Ariya (vocal), Penny(vocal), Tonny(guitar), Iwan(drum) and Ivan the new person as the bassist. After two years join with sacred flesh, suddenly he left the band because he must move to Jambi, Sumatera Island together with his family in the middle of the year. In this recent days, Sacred flesh recruits additional bass player.........!!!!
Band Members :
*Penny - Voice Growl and Zeck Bass
Seeking Guitarist , drummers!!!
More Information, Click Here
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Biography :
Starting as a grand and rb desire to form a band with the flow "Metal". Finally formed with the name "Metal Project" with the formation rb (vocals), Akbar (drums), Seno (bass), Boker (guitar), and nibras (guitar 2). when it clogged with sufficient capital to play only songs from Trivium with unsatisfactory results, after several weeks munculah Boker King who replaced the king on guitar.saat filled by increasingly integrated music game and continue playing songs berkonsep.Perlahan-land from Lamb Of God, after it tried to write a lagu.Karena had been halted because of school exams, Nibras diri.Semangat resigned this band does not stop there, Seno nibras replaced on guitar and Adam to fill bass.Tawaran recruited to play on Gigs finally menyelendup in life ini.Merasa band name that is less attractive, eventually akbar suggested the name "Revenge" is based on revenge and hatred which is attached, after the approved "Revenge" to spear them to penetrate the wall scene shows Indonesia.Beberapa times in gigs local and doctrines that would not stop from international music to play songs made Revenge of Death Metal and turn into a band identity Revenge of Death Metal who graduated from the junior kokoh.Setelah Seno reluctantly resigned from the revenge for obvious reasons, outside school city can not allow again rallied in the world gemelutnya Sentanu replace old musik.tak Seno, remain with the formation of two guitars revenge managed to create music that is still labil.Perbedaan concept of instinct in music making and Adam was forced to resign, and finally replacing munculah Awe adam.Tak position soon come off revenge.Kebingungan Sentanupun to transform the concept into one guitar is a difficult issue passed, but with a burning passion finally Revenge can change into the concept of a ferocious guitar and not kalah.Musik Revenge of the concept and grooved a highlight for children Metal.Pada Month November 2008 Death Revenge started recording the album "Global.Suffering.Disease" in bandung under Joteng operators (Forgotten), then after going through the process of mixing and mastering in May 2009 has been released debut album Revenge "Global.Suffering.Disease". Revenge kept on alert for the Metalheads memborbardir ear at scene dunia.
Band Members :
*King - Guitarist
*RB - Vocalist
*Aw - Bassist
*Akbar - Drummers
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Biography :
Putrefaction was formed on Semarang, the city which seem calm outside but mad inside especially in music @ last november 2000. The 1st formation was five persons. Guitar filled by Imam and Luki, Widi on vocal, bass held by Andre & drum by Bobi. But, there're some changes in the formation after a few years later. Now there are three persons who still remain plus additional drum player. Imam still on guitar so does Widi, he still growl on voice. Bass handled by Luki and additional drum player. They like creating song about social, politic n life. What they see, hear n know are poured on our critical lyric n become a extreme song after mixed with guitar play full of drum hit n of course powerful growl voices.. The bands like Dying Fetus, Suffocation, Malevolent Creation,... are our big inspiration 4 our metal music. Our existence in metal community was proven since we join the compilation titled "Semarang Metal Faces 66 KM Music Production 2004" Beside it, we had been followed many live performance. Here this : LIVE PERFORMANCE : 1. PURWOREJO GOGROG 2 March 31 2002 @ Purworejo 2. MACINAL FUN CLIMBING & MUSIC June 9 2004 @ Stikubank, Semarang 3. EDGELESS INSANITY July 11 2004 @ TBRS, Semarang 4. KLATEN DISTORSI 2 August 8 2004 @ Klaten 5. JAVA TOTAL EXTREME 4 September 26 2004 @ TBRS, Semarang 6. JOGJA BREBEG 11 October 3 2004 @ Kridosono Sporthall, Jogja 7. GAWAT DARURAT 1 November 28 2004 @ TBRS, Semarang 8. FIGHT RACISM December 29 2004 @ USM Parking Area, Semarang 9. PRAYING FOR ACEH & NORTH SUMATRA January 30 2005 @ TBRS, Semarang 10. PECAH BERANTAKAN 2 February 20 2004 @ Ngasirah Building, Kudus 11. RHAPSODIES IN RED March 20 2005 @ SMK 2 Audirotium, Jepara 12. VUCKLENTINE DIES 2 April 10 2005 @ Sasana Gita Building, Parakan 13. EXTREME METAL MOVEMENT April 24 2005 @ Pemuda Sporthall, Pekalongan 14. GAWAT DARURAT 2 May 8 2005 @ TBRS, Semarang 15. METAL ON STAGE May 29 2005 @ TBRS, Semarang 16. RESURRECTION [Launching Album SYNDROME] July 31 2005 @ TBRS, Semarang 17. PAGEBLUG NJERO LEMAH 5 August 21 2005 @ Batang 18. UNDERGRINDEATH 2 November 13 2005 @ SMU 1 Auditorium, Cepiring 19. METAL NEVER DIE February 24 2006 @ RRI Semarang 20. FULL DISTORSI 2 March 12 2006 @ Mahesa Jenar Sporthall, Purbalingga 21. 100TH IMI March 26 2006 @ Jatidiri Stadium, Semarang 22. REMBANG BANGKIT 2 April 16 2006 @ SMU 2 Auditorium, Rembang 23. BANG YOUR HEAD July 1 2006 @ Tri Lomba Juang Stadium, Semarang 24. 5,9 SCALA RICHTER July 16 2006 @ TBRS, Semarang 25. HELLOWEEN NIGHT PARTY / SCREAM FROM THE DARKNESS November 4 2006 @ Starqueen Discotique, Semarang 26. GAWAT DARURAT 3 May 6 2007 @ TBRS ,Semarang 27. SEMARANG TOTAL GOGROG April 13 2008 @ TBRS Semarang 28. GEGER ALAS ROBAN May 4 2008 @ Weleri 29. ROCK POWER May 18 2008 @ Karanganyar Solo 30. WAR ARE FOREVER (Launching Album MORBIDDUST) July 12 2008 @ Open Theatre TBRS, Semarang 31. SOLO BEATDOWN November 2 2008 @ Tennis Outdoor ISI, Solo 32. MRANGGEN BANGKIT November 30 2008 @ Serbaguna Building, Mranggen. 33. FRESH FROM HELL January 24 2009 @ TBRS Indoor, Semarang. 34. SEE WITH SOUND December 26 2009 @ Marabunta building, Semarang. 35. BOROBUDUR TOTAL BISING February 28 2010 @ PDAM building, Magelang. 36. TEARS BLOOD April 3rd 2010 @ Marabunta building, Semarang. 37. REBELLION OF DEATH April 17th 2010 @ Marabunta building, Semarang. 38. THE SPIRITS CARRIES ON 2 May 29th 2010 @ TBRS Open Theatre, Semarang. 39. PURE IN FUSION July 3rd 2010 @ Sastra Undip Parking Hall, Semarang.
Band Members :
*Pardi - Vocalist
*Imam - Guitarist
*Yesus - Bassist
*Bobi - Drummers
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Biography :
Opium was formed in early 2007 with a line up Fajar (Vocals), Tony (Guitar), Arief (Drums), Yorghi (Bass). After walking a while we prepare the material with genre Brutal Death Metal.
Then we give our band name with "Sodomical of God", after that yorghi leave the band. There due to personal affairs are not serious about making music, then over time we prepare materials with more mature and rename Sodomical Of God become Opium.
After we agreed search for replacement players to fill the vacancy yorghi bass on Opium, finally in mid-2007 we chose Hadi as our new bass player in Opium, not long afterwards, Hadi was resigned because busy about his work,we didn't despair constantly looking for replacement players while the line-up.
During one year,at the beginning of 2008 we finally met Chandra Ex Faith Must Pain, and Chandra eager to fill the emptyness bass position in Opium, and then we agreed to recruit Chandra as new bass player in OPIUM, and in Mid-2008 Opium lauched Promo song with the title, "Bingkai Mayat Membusuk", "Propaganda Religion",etc. With the latest line up is Fajar (Vocals) Tony (Guitar) Chandra (Bass) and Arief (Drums). And this line up continue to survive until now.
Band Members :
*Fajar - Vocalist
*Toni - Guitarist
*Chandra - Bassist
*Arief - Drummers
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Biography :
"MUSAKAT" was taken from the Javanese language old that meant humankind that always made the disturbance. in October 2008 the Eko and Angie tried to make the band with the genre slamming death metal, not old afterwards Dani (bloodstain) entered to fill up the position of the guitar in MUSAKAT. just 2 songs were composed with the concept slamming death metal MUSAKAT changed the concept of music became Brutal Detah Metal
Band Members :
*Dani - Guitars/Guttural Attack/Scream
*Angie - Bass Blast
*Eko - SickBlasting
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Biography :
Not Found
Band Members :
*Cimplink Demon - Vocalist and Guitarist
*Complonk Demon - Guitarist
*AdhiSalvo - Bassist
*KancilLotti "ForeverHateYou" - Unholy Mbachoter
*Yossy "Too Tall" - Drummers
News :
“War Are Forever” titled for the 1st debut full-length album. Contain 11 songs. Completely arrangement between technique, harmoniy, brutality, with some old and new school sound. Grinding 1/32 intense.
Neverending insane fuckin growling. A thousands years anger blasted in this album. Soul of the song is absolutely caught!
Talking about War, Army, shoots with different sight from their own self opinions.
Patriotism, Zionism, death, veteran, soldiers, liberty, defeat, victims etc for lyrics theme. Feel the Anger, Sorrow, pity, many senses will kill you. No damned compromise full length fucking album.
Extreme Progressive Death Metal, We called our music. Morbiddust absolutely loyal in Death metal Age for their creativity! 1/32 & Growls rulez…!!!
Prepare yourself for our invasion, be ware for the bullets! We’ll make damn you fucking bloody weeping!!!
Anyone who interesting please don't hesitate to ctc us. We need ur help to spread our bullets.
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Biography :
Maia is a grindcore band from depok city ,performed in 2007!!its a grindcore band with full of blast beat and grinding with a few old skool death metal guitar riff..all songs will stab our ears n knocked ur head!! they have release the 1st EP "TOTAL TERROR" with selfish apettite records(marocco) in 2007.. with 5 fast and brutal songs inside it!! now they're in works to do a new material for they full album!! just wait and see how brutal they're!! .
GRIND ON!!!!!!
Band Members :
Not Found
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Biography :
JIHAD is Indonesian Death Fuckin' Metal from Bandung West Java.
JIHAD established about 1999 by some of minority peoples who had straight interested in Extreme Music,at Octobre 27th, 2000 our first line up JIHAD members are : Veby as Drums,Tatto as Guitars,Ablay as Bass,Jibril as Vocals.
About Novembere 2001,our guitarist out of JIHAD after we've made 10 songs of "Besok Qiamat" ( un-released ),about Decembre 2001 JIHAD has a second line up members with two guiatrist are : Veby as Drums,Irja as Guitars,Tommy as Guitars,Ablay as Bass,Jibril as Vocals.
This new line up with two guitarist,JIHAD has got trouble into make a different concept,a result in order to fixed it all JIHAD has changed a position on our line up, its our third line up as : Veby as Guitars,Irja as Drums,Tommy as Guitars,Ablay as Bass,Jibril as Vocals.
This third line up who we want all with our new death metal music concept,about April 2002 JIHAD enter a first recording on WORKHOUSE Studio on Bandung and mastered by Adyth ( Ex- DISINFECTED),on April 2003 our First Full Length Album " Besok Qiamat " released by EXTREME SOUL PRODUCTION contained our 9 songs,after our first album released JIHAD use new Bassist,and a fourth line up are : Veby as Guitars,Irja as Drums,Tommy as Guitars,Rully as Bass,Jibril as Vocals.
On May 2003 after we do an album launching,JIHAD kick out Tommy caused of seriously internal trouble on JIHAD and a fifth line up are : Veby as Guitars,Irja as Drums,Rully as Bass,Jibril as Vocals.
On July 2004 JIHAD got new guitarist after we've got internal band trouble,and our sixth line up of JIHAD are : Oce as Guitars,Veby as Drums,Rully as Bass,Jibril as Vocals.
On Novembre 2007 JIHAD got new gutarist to change Oce caused of something problem,Rully get out and his get maried&happy now.
During Novembre - Decembre 2004 till January 2005 JIHAD did a second recording of "Strategi Setan" Full Length cds and cassetes at OKTA DIGITAL RECORDING Studio and DIALOG Studio,Mixed and Mastered on BINTANG 41 Studio on August 2005,on Novembre 2005 out second album JIHAD "Strategi Setan" featuring Addy Gembel and Toteng of FORGOTTEN,Amenk of DISINFECTED and Rudi of INJECTED available on cd released by RECLUSE PRODUCTION Singapore.
Discography :
Band Members :
*Jibril - Vocalist
*Rony - Guitarist
*Veby - Drummers
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Biography :
INVADER born in november 2008. The name is diclared by Kancil Jibril, the vocalist band deathmetal in bandung,where his bands name is JIHAD. In desember 2008, we also record our hits single with title “Benten galur dugi ka surga”.
the 1st line up :
*Asep Rohmansyah - Vocalist
*Adjie Adikusumah - Guitarist
*Fajar Hasanul Luthfi - Guitarist
*Aditya Rudi - Bassist
*Alviandra Sukma Putra - Drummers
During 2009, we found a lot of problems in this band. After we changes our members, this problem make us hard to make concept for our songs. And in november 2009, we deicide to continue this band only with 3 person. About our concept and lyrics, we try to make a new innovations in deathmetal only with 3 persons.
and the new line up :
*Adjie Adikusumah - Guitarist and Vocalist
*Reza Arya Fadillah - Bassist
*Alviandra Sukma Putra - Drummers
We ready to represent music “EXTREME DEATH HARMONIC METAL”. We also mixed our old concept with our new concept. And the results is, a new innovation music in deathmetal ! Enjoy our death fuck'in song ! Support your local band and your local movement !!
News :
In 2010 we will release again our demo. This demo has been delayed for 2 years. Slightly different with our old concept but still fucking brutal and harmonic !
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Biography :
IMPURITY was formed in early September established the origin of this band because of the willingness MBAN (VOC) to create a band with death metal wing .. the guitarist finally came ABLEh (death couple). BUJUY (finger in the throat) and KEMOD .. initial formation IMPURITY.. - mban : voc - ableh : guitar - kemod :bass - bujuy :drum No longer than that resigned because ABLEH busy with his first band. BUJUY any ABLEH followed the same reason .. no longer than that came ALVIN (Invader) and STAR (APOCRYPAL) .. This formation also ALVIN soon resigned because of something. after all this time finally came to change the formation Gerry (MISANTROPIC) to fill the void on drums .. second formation IMPURITY .. - mban : voc - bintang : guitar - kemod : bass - gerry : drum With the formation of this impurity is very solid because there is something that makes no harmony in the band .. BINTANG at the end because it does not remove the focus with the direction of our goals .. and again one by one retired personnel. Gerry had to resign with no reasons .. after the band had to disband because apart pairs of personnel .. BUJUY finally back in the band ..not long ago from the WEDRA (EDEN COLLAPSE) signed to fill the void in the guitar .. The third formation IMPURITY - mban : voc - wedra : guitar - bujuy : drum and this is the final line-up IMPURITY ...
Band Members :
*Mban - Guttural Vokill
*Wedra - Guitarist
*Tito - Guitarist
*Adit - Bassist
*Bujuy - Drummers
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Biography :
Form in 1993 ey former Suckerhead's front man, Wacked holding guitars and vocals position, along with Jorghy on bass and Erwin on drums, within a year these trio then change their band Members became Wacked - guitars & vocals, Jorghy - guitars, Bay - bass, Robin - drums. These formation manage to released their unforgettable anthem, the original DOOMSDAY. In the same year Jorghy and Bay left the band to continue his college, and Robin joined Suckerhead. Soon major changes happen with the recruitment of Laurent on guitars, Killjames on vocals and Denny on drums also Bobby on bass. These bastard united done a lot of bloody and crazy things in the scene, even after Wacked and Laurent decided to leave the band in 1996 and followed by Bobby in the next year. Soon Ricky took over guitar position and St. Ino on bass the musical structure remains insane but the inside part of the band is tearing apart. Situation getting worst after the second released, in the preparation for the third released Killjames left the band. The real doomsday is happened now for the band. The rest of the band really did something shitty.....No matter what Grausig has left something in the history of brutal death metal industry in their country scene, which not much other has ever managed to do the same shit..... Not just musically, lifestyle, also believe! That's in the past, now some of the original members were did some serious talking and planning about the awakened of this band in a reunion concert.....Hopefully will be done in this year, due to their activity at works.....About what will happen after the reunion no one knows what will happen. Only they can make the decision. Maybe we can hope thy also going to released their 3rd long lost album VISION OF ENSLAVED UPON MY LIZARD SIDE.....The reunion so far will be involved by the original members, Wacked, Denny and Killjames..... THE REUNION WILL BE PLACED JUST BY THE ORIGINAL MEMBERS!!! THE REUNION WAS PLANNED BY THE FOUNDER OF THE BAND, WACKED!!! The reunion is truly dedicated to all the death metal motherfuckers that realized without any doubt that we're spawned into this world to deliver heavy shit that you need to hear! Regarding the released after Killjames left the band in year of 2000, it's a fucked up album under license of an idiot that trying to ruin the band, it got nothing to do with our shit..... DON'T FUCKING LISTEN TO IT!!! NOW GRAUSIG IS IN GOOD HANDS WHO CAN KEEP THEM AS BLACK AS EVER!!! FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ABOUT HOW THESE MOTHERFUCKERS DOING THIS LATELY, GET THE UPDATES, YOU CAN SMOKE SOME JOINT AND DRINK UP A BOTTLE OR TWO VODKA ALSO LEFT A MESSAGE OR EVEN TALK TO WACKED HIMSELF DIRECTLY AT +628128580666 TO CONTACT GRAUSIG VIA EMAIL SEND TO ACHTUNG!!! WHEN WERE ABOUT TO PERFORMED LIVE ON STAGE WE WILL INFORMED YOU THROUGH THIS PAGE!!! ONE MORE THING...RICKY IS NO LONGER PART OF GRAUSIG! HE IS FUCKING TERMINATED!!!FOREVER! THESE MOTHERFUCKERS WE'RE REALLY BUSY AT THIS MOMENT. DUE MANY THINGS CAME UP TO PROCESS OF THE REUNION ONLY POSSIBLE TO BE DONE HOPEFULLY AT THE EARLY OF 2010. IT IS CONFIRMED!!! WE ALSO LOOKING FORWARD TO ATTACKING THE STAGE LIKE WE USED TO BE BEFORE THE MILLENIUM, JUST KEEP CHECKING THE PAGE TO SEE THE UPDATES ABOUT GRAUSIG SECOND COMING!!! GENERAL UPDATES: Denny is back and ready, hope there is no more delayed from today's schedule.
Band Members :
*Killjames - Vocalist
*Wacked - Guitarist
*Bobby - Bassist
*Denny - Drummers
General : We're Officially Looking For a Drummer.
For More Information, Please Contact HERE
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Biography :
Goretus are the band project that was formed by 2008 exact him in October that in drove by Toni,that he wanted to make the band project and recruited Egi Bujuy (Deranged Perversion) Fahmi (Ex Apocryphal) and Toni (Opium). And now Goretus have some material. Suffering in Purified Disdain Interfaith Slaugther for consume and our inspiration by bands such like Suffocation,Cannibal Corpse,Unmerciful,Inveracity,Disinfected,Mortir,etc.
Band Members :
*Fahmi - Vocalist
*Toni - Guitarist
*Egi Bujuy - Drummers
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Biography :
GELGAMESH established in the town of Bogor in mid-year 1997 began with a meeting Ibanez (x-Terror) and Dani tompel (x-projector), which agreed to merge and form a DEATH METAL band. To strengthen their recruiting Atop this Formation and Sodom, they too joined and agreed to name the band that is GELGAMESH. Formation, which formed the Dani. T (Guitar), Ibanez (Bass), Atop (Drums), and Sodom (Vockill). With this concept in music that took the U.S. style of Sickness Brutal Death Metal Band terinfluence by DISGORGE and Deeds OF Flesh, GELGAMESH start reaching the stage-musical stage a parade and music are held in the city campus and outside the city of Bogor, Bogor. Sodom (Vockill) Decided to resign from his position as vocalist in the band. With the condition without vocalist, a new wind blowing with the entry of new blood Felix vocals fill the vacant position at left Sodom. With the inclusion of Felix, clutches GELGAMESH increasingly widespread, but returned a vacancy occurs in the body that must be lost as well GELGAMESH two personnel, with the release of Felix (Vockill) who decided to concentrate with studynya and Atop (Drums) who decided to resign from membership of the band. Stay two remaining personnel but this condition does not make GELGAMESH lost spirit, bright spots appear and new blood was obtained by joining Rama on Drums (x - INNOCENT victim) and Farid Redyx Vockill position (x - BIOSUCKER), but not Rama lasted so long considering the time-consuming studies that eventually resigned and we had time to vacuum a few months, the lapse of a few months later we recruit Iboy (x-ABHORRED DESPISER / disgrace) on Drums. Formation GELGAMESH now is Dani. T (Guitar), Ibanes (Bass), Iboy (Drums), Farid (Vockill) is the most solid formation of GELGAMESH and in September 2003 we decided to enter studio to record the material that we have made, and with hard work is very tiring GELGAMESH album finally came out "Episode Of The Serial Murder" with 8 songs Again GELGAMESH losing personnel, the founder and Guitaris (Dani) vacuum states in the group because there are far more important purposes with a heavy heart that we let go eventually recruited Bengbeng (X -TOTEN/NISAN) from Lampung in Bass, Iban Guitar, Drums and Farid Iboy Vockill. In early 2008, eventually DESPISEDESUNrecord (ITALY) working on an album GELGAMESH (last breath of the dying one), and the smell of fresh blood at the same time a new spirit of our work on new material for a more brutal ..! Studio albums Slowly BUT GORE.
Band Members :
*Farid - Vocalist
*Iban - Guitarist
*Bengbeng - Bassist
*Iboy - Drummers
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Faith Must Pain
Biography :
Faith Must Pain formed around the year 2006, when it Heady desire that drives to form a permanent band and the first elected Ibo at that moment that fills Chandra Lead guitar and then a close friend of the Ibo that fills the Guitar, then Chandra who accidentally invites Gugum to join the faith must pain at that moment positioned vowel, then it occurred to vote Aldist Gugum to fill the void on drums.
The name of faith must own pain from the mouth of accidental Gugum who at the time was negotiating for the band's name, her pain must have hurt confidence berartikan which means whereby trust all things including their own religious beliefs should be hurt will be all the realities that must be faced.
As time went on she started walking with pain must try men'tracking Empty Heads song at the beginning 2007.Dan problem for the problem we often stopped at that time, and eventually one by one personnel from her own pain must not pursue a career with us, starting ari Ibo who must resign due to busy work very dense.
Time passed, and Aldist start hot with a band that is very conducive circumstances without the guitar player at the time, and he tried to get Kiki to fill the vacancy on the guitar, and several times tried to workout with our new guitarist at the time, we began to rise again after approached by a conducive situation, and did not walk long Kiki must resign because no longer able to divide his time with Faith must pain. Then Gugum should resign because of problems internal.Tersisalah Chandra who holds a guitar on Faith must pain, unwittingly Chandra who later resigned because he tried to focus on projeknya side band at the time.
Then later Heady and Aldist start looking for a replacement from them and not long after the entry of Additional player to fill vacancies on guitar and vocals from Faith must trigger the movement of pain to remain standing.
And in mid-2008 men'tracking Faith must track Komom Chaos pain, and after men'tracking song, good news came over to us, at that time Gugum who want to return after a long leave she must pain, then the entry of Derrick's lackeys to fill the position of the guitar .
With the formation constant pain she must begin again and arranges the songs and changed the concept of genre that we usung.Konsep Extreme Death Metal transformed into Death Metal with a little touch and of course Groove Slam Hyperblasting Sharp and grinding, which is inspired by bands Death Metal like Disgorge, Deeds Of Flesh, Suffocation, Pyaemia, Cephalotripsy, body, Death Vomit, Bleeding Corpse, Bury and berlirikan punishment of atrocities, Humanity, Murder, outrage, and all things that exist in reality man himself.
Band Members :
*Gugum - Guttural Voice
*Kacung - Guitarist
*Heady - Bassist
*Aldist - Blasting Machine
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Friday, July 23, 2010
Eternal Madness
Biography :
ETERNAL MADNESS Created in year 1994 by Moel Madness (bass / vocal), Cax Wisnu (guitar) and Ari separatis (drummer). While making the first album ‘Offerings to Rangda’ , the drummer resigned and with the help of an additional drummer the album was released in year 1997. At the end of year 1997, after Eternal Madness have a new drummer Johan, a semi major label ‘Rotor Corp’ asked them to join ‘metaliklinik’ the first ever compilation album that was distributed nationally in local stores with the best metal bands in Indonesia. When the band started more serious, Cax Wisnu decided to put down his guitar and stoped his music career, then he was replaced by Didot (1999). At the same year Johan resigned, since that , Eternal Madness used drum machine when was asked again to join Metaliklinik 3 compilation and released the second album ‘Bongkar Batas’. In 2002 Death Ra replaced Didot .
Eternal Madness current formation are :
Moel Madness (bass / vocal),
Death Ra (guitar 1),
Adith (guitar 2) and
additional drummer Pandi ‘Ghebes’.
With long delay of makings the new album ‘Abad Kegilaan’ (in this crazy era) is due to release soon
Eternal Madness Discography:
1997 : - Offerings to Rangda - Metaliklinik
1999 : Metaliklinik 3
2000 : Bongkar Batas
2007 : Abad Kegilaan
Band Members :
*Moel Madness - Bassist and Vocalist
*Death Ra - Guitarist
*Adith - Guitarist
*Pandi "Ghebes - Drummers (Additional)
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Biography :
DYSMORPHICATED a project of band by Andro(Human Cremation) and Wylie(Felix Suicide) borned at 07 Februari 2008 precisely at a small town in West Bandung that is Cimahi with first formation line that is Wylie(Guttural, Guitar), Chandra(Four Six), Andro(Blast). DYSMORPHICATED following music concept to Brutal Death Metal by the name of first that is "LIANA MAKE ME PREGNANT". Their also partakes follows its the line at Death Metal by following gigs to gigs local until finally there is problem at Chandra having tip of to releasing of Chandra from band and changes position leaved by it his it by Andika, a friend Andro. DYSMORPHICATED still be concepted like before all. Then, DYSMORPHICATED finds point of boredom and tired with its the formation is formation "3 man" equal to main inspiration of we are that is " DEATH VOMIT" then, DYSMORPHICATED also looks for someone to return to change the formation line becomes "4 man". They take Mufqi, a friend from Andika to fill position of guttural so that Wylie then is positioned only to guitar only. With newest formation of that, DYSMORPHICATED tries changes concept they to become Brutal Death which many influenced by Slamming Gore. With the new formation line that is Mufqi(Vockill), Wylie(Six Sick), Andika(Four Sick), Andro(Blast) also with new material and concept referring to band inspirator outside us like Suffocation, Condemned, Disgorge(US), Human Rejection, Abominable Putridity, Septycal Gorge, Cephalotripsy etc. and doesn't forget local concept of we are like Jasad, Mortir, Motor Death, Digging Up, Turbidity and etc. By followed with distorting of name of from "LMMP" to "DYSMORPHICATED". Now, DYSMORPHICATED ready to return to groans ear all of you with newest concept from its the song material is "Erotica Dehumanized". Let's Slam Your Head with DYSMORPHICATED!
Band Members :
Mufqi - Guttural
Wylie - Six Grind
Deni - Four Grind
Ihsan - Blast
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